What should be avoided during breastfeeding?

What food should young mums avoid during breastfeeding? Below is a list of products that usually cause problems if you continue using them while breastfeeding:

Avoid below food products:
-Products causing abdominal distension, such as cauliflower, onions, cabbage. Some recommednd avoiding consumption of broccoli, but it really depends on the child - so I recommend trying in small quantities

-Spicy food and spicy seasoning - chili, curry, garlic, hot pepper - they can significantly change the taste of milk
-Citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons, grapefruit (in particular at the beginning of the feeding period)
-Large amounts of caffeine - don't overdo it with coffee. It does not mean that you can not drink one coffee a day. It'd be safest to drink small cup of coffee just after feeding the baby. Be careful not to use large number of tea, try to avoid the types of drink like Cola, Pepsi and energy drinks,
-Alcohol - a glass of wine from time to time does not harm your baby, but it is unsafe to consume alcohol regularly or in large amounts . It'd be best to refrain from alcohol in the breastfeeding period.
-Smoking- We should absolutely refrain from smoking when breastfeeding because all the toxic substances get into breast milk.
-Chocolate - especially at the beginning - it may cause allergies but does not necessarily need to. It'd be best to observe if your child has any alarming symptoms and try eating 1 small piece of chocolate as a test.
- Nuts - especially at the beginning of feeding - especially if someone in your family is allergic to nuts. If no family members are allergic to food, you can try it in small quantities as a test
- In some cases limit the consumption of diary products and cow's milk - some children can not tolerate excessive amounts of dairy products. If you see your child suffering from baby's colic, I recommend you do the test of putting the dairy products away for a week.

This is not a full list of products. They can differ depending on the child. This is just a suggestion that in some cases may be helpful.


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